Agriculture is a major industry in Nigeria in terms of how many people it employs in the country. Over 60 Million out of 200 Million people. Yet it only contributes around 21% of Nigeria’s GDP, the rest majorly dominated by Crude-Oil. For a Country seeking to diversify its economy, more emphasis can be laid on improving the Agricultural sector of the nation in other to increase the economic fortunes of the country. The following 3 Industries can Kick-start that process. OIL-PALM In the 1960s, Nigeria used to be world largest producer and exporter of Palm –Oil, owning as much as 40% of the global market share. After the discovery of crude oil, and our economic focus shifted, Nigeria fell behind to countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Colombia, importing from them to bridge local demand. Ironically, these countries got their Initial seedlings from Nigeria. From a peak of 800,000 Metric Tonnes per annum, to 325,000 Metric Tonnes production of Palm Oil ...